
Two third - one third

Six months and 41 studied books are now behind me! I can hardly believe it. Getting up at dawn, going to bed late, studying, studying and Studying - This not only means growth, but also much joy,wisdom, new revelations, new aspects, new hope!! I do like to study. Studying the Bible is special to me, it  is a true treasure.
The picture below shows my progress in this study. I have already finished he whole New Testament, the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges (when the picture was made, since that time more books), as you can see, the middle portion of the Bible has not ye been studied. The smaller book is my Hungarian Bible, the bigger one is the English Standard Version. I work twice.

Behind me is an amazing time. The most beautiful, the most blessed time of my life. I have received so many wonderful things  from God, through His Word and  from the people around me -- I am not able to express this fully with words. It is a great privilege for me  to be here and completely focusing on the Word of God, in a wonderful place, a well-equipped school among Christian people who too are themselves growing in their relationship with God.

The  picture below was made during the Seminar on the Letter of James. I am sitting next to the window in the second row under the Hungarian banner.

At the beginning, being in this school was quite difficult for me:
Working on the computer, making charts, speaking always in English, studying for exams in English, facing many new cross culture situation... STILL, I have felt in every circumstance and in each day, the comforting  Presence of God, the marvelous Power of His Spirit. I have received incredible power from the Lord, He has equipped me with the strength to overcome my weaknesses and the ability to do this school. Incredible!!! He is making me more than a conquer!

I am able to study all day from early morning to late night and don't become tired. I attribute this to the Passage below --  This one of my favorite verses.

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. Their will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31)

I have a goal, a purpose. I have already been made known who am I. I am confident in what I want to do because I know my calling. I have been given the gift of teaching, preaching. The Lord has given me a life that can be an inspiration and encouragement to others. I cannot take credit from these things, they are gifts from God. I have asked myself - what can I do with these gifts? My heart's desire is to given them back to Him. It's to use them to expand His Kingdom and to bring glory to His Name!  This is my gift to God. This can be expressed in the way I live among others, how I show radiant the love to them. I know God has touched me. I know He has transformed and through my daily living I want to be able to transform others, this way, building the Kingdom of God on the earth.

I feel at home here. We have good programs not just the study: BBQ, hiking, always building real relationships.

Here some of the students and staff went on a strawberry picking outing. It was so fun!!

While studying the Book of Exodus, to help us illustrate the principles we were learning about, we made a "Sanctuary and the Ark of the Covenant". The picture here is an example of a  "Golden Lampstand." Creativity is also something I am growing into - sometimes very painfully

Here is picture from a hiking outing with the school leader and his family and other students.
Chasseral (1607 m) is the highest summit in the canton of Bern outside in Alps.

Polly is the best room mate ever.
She is an amazing lady, full of the Spirit of God.
I'm learning a lot from her. She will be a great preacher!

The picture was made in the Swiss capital city -
 Bern. Even during the sight-seeing we were studying the key verses of the New Testament. Our efforts paid of! Polly's test was 98%,  and mine 93%. Wow, Brilliant girls!

This picture also from Bern, in front of the Bear Pit. It is the Swiss heritage site of national significance, and is of particular significance in Bern because the bear is a symbol of both the city and surrounding canton.

In the classroom I am sitting under the Hungarian banner. Here I am standing (so I am more visible) with a Swiss flag and a Swiss mug in my hand.
I feel home here!

This time in Switzerland has been wonderful and of much growth. But, I know this is a season of preparation. A time of being equipped to go back to my country - To go back not as I left, but filled with my heart, mind and spirit full of knowledge of the Word and empowered by His calling. I am looking forward the ministry the Lord is preparing me to partner with Him in Hungary. I know that I will be sharing the Gospel, teaching  people, organizing Bible seminars, schools and bringing about other venues to proclaim the wonders of my beloved God.

I arrived in Wiler in the beginning of January. Two thirds of the school are now behind me... This gives me much encouragement to face the remaining one third. I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

Thanks for keeping up with me -- More news to come in near future!!

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