Previous week we
visited a sheep-farm. The owners live from spring to winter outside with the
flock. They made a special dinner for us, mush with sheep cheese.
The next week gave me again amazing new revelations.
speaker was Chris Child from England.
He thought about functional
and dysfunctional
He looked at the biblical principles for a normal
functioning family and also showed what happens when that does not work
He explained that the family is a foundation of all
our life. What happens in the family affects every other areas
of society. Bad leadership in the family will lead to bad leadership in
Government in fact all the other areas.
Weak family
- weak church Strong family - strong
Weak family
- weak economy Strong family
- strong economy
Weak family - weak nation Strong family -
strong nation
What is the foundation of the
family? The marriage.
What is the marriage?
Marriage is a covenant-
binding agreement based on promises, what we made to each other, before God, and before
A promise to remain closer to that husband/wife
physically and emotionally than anyone else. A promise to protect that person
even at risk to myself
A promise to share everything with that person
(property, money, body)
Marriage is built on
unconditional love. I
will love you even if you get sick even if you get poor even we can’t have a
Who is the foundation of the
marriage? The man/father/husband.
Why is the man and not the woman?
God created the man from the soil of the earth outside
from Garden, than put him in the Garden. Here made God the woman from the man.
Man has connect to the land. He is a source for the woman. He is a source of
love, inheritance, supply. He gives the primer security, value, identity for the
children, for the family. He is a giver, the woman is a receiver. The woman
receives and improves what the man gives to her.
The woman gives security to the children based on the
security what the husband gives to her. The woman builds on what the man gives whether
it is good or bad. The man is responsible for creating the atmosphere to which
a woman can respond. A woman needs is to feel loved- that gives a sense of
“But I want you to understand that Christ is the head
of the man, and the husband is the head of his wife, and God is the head of
Christ.” (1 Cor 11,3)
So the love in the home comes from God through the
husband to the wife and through the husband and wife to the children.
Why marriage is often attacked?
The Devil knows if he destroys the foundations, the
whole building will fall down. The Devil is attacking all these three
foundations but particularly the husband.
The role of the husband in the family to release the destiny of his wife and children. Giving
protection, disciplening the children because he is much more equipped to solve
the conflict than the woman. The woman is too sensitive emotionally. She is
sensitive for the spiritual and the demonic effect as well. The woman needs to
be protecting covering by man. The Devil tempted first the woman and not the man in the Garden of Eden.
The boys get their masculine identity from Dad. (The
girls get a lot of their feminine identity from Dad how a Dad responses to his
daughter.) If he absent, passive or disfuncional, the manhood not function properly. If a boy is wounded he become stocked or rebell (weak or violent), but never really become a man.
We need to be focusing on building our families.
"The good leave on inheritance to their children's children..." (Proverbs 13,22)
God's purpose is that every generation should climb higher than the previous.
The comfort of childrens come from the parents. The best way to love your children is to love your spouse.
So the marrage relationship affects the parents-child relationship.
If there is a problem in
the marriage then sometimes one or both of parents start over focusing on
the children trying to compensate for lack of fulfillment in their
marriage relationship-The children
become the most important thing. So it leads to overprotection.
But the marrige relationship is affected by parent-parent relationship. How did Dad and Mum relate to their parents affects how you relate in their marrige.
"Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife and they become one flesh."(Gen 2,24)
The emphasis is on the man has to leave his family emotionally and spiritually. If he doesn't, he will have two women in his life. He is pulled between two women. The lack of leaving leads to the lack of closeness in his marrige.
If we don't deal with our problems, the problems will return more after generations as well.
If we don't rule the past, the past rule us!
But we don't have to cope with our problems alone, we don't have to carry our burdens aloGod wants to help, He wants to restore our families. Jesus offeres helping to carry our burdens.
"Come to me, all of you who are tired carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."
Ask the help from Him!
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