
The Breakthrough

This was the 6th week in the camp. We have heard so amazing teaching I feel this is the breakthrough in my life!
The speaker was Chris Child who was working as a missionary over eight years in Malawii. He taught very clearly, understandable (his yorkshire accent didn’t give any problem), and the message was very deep.
This teaching gave me some new revelations. These are extremly painful but need to my changing.
How could I change my worldview more biblicaly? How I see God, influences how I see the world. This effects everything else in my life.
You become like what you worship!  What is in your heart? The money? Your value comes from what you have. You become cold, impersonal, hard.
In the communism in our heart was the goverment.  Our value cames from the community. This effects comformity, fears, dependency. (Like me. Altough we lived quite well in the Hungarian „gulyás-communism”, our personalities were destroyed by this system. This is my oppinion.)
I have to ask a question: What/who is living in my heart? If God lives in my heart, I have to know Him. I have to understanding His character and on this foundation have to developing my godly character.
Our God is a relationships of God. But these relationships were broken by sin.  We don’t have good relationship with God, with others, with creations and with ourselves.
Why are there so many wrecked marriges, broken relationship between parents and their children, between siblings?  Why are there so many physical and mental problems? Why are there so many war on the earth?
We don’t care our sources of energy, our surrandings, we are exterminating the animals, the plants, eradicating the forests, polluting the waters, the air, ruining our planet.
God didn’t want this! Everything He created was good!
„God saw everything that he had made and indeed it was very good” (1 Mozes 1:31)
In this case why have the man to suffer?
Every God’ creation were good. The man messed up everything by sin.  But „God through Christ changed us from enemies into his friends and gave us the task of making others his friend also.”
(2 Corintians 5:18)
Jesus died to restore the whole of creation! The cross restored all broken relationship!
But we have to know Him and to make Him known! Understanding God’s character and on this foundation developing godly character!
This is the most important task in the schools and in the families! This is the responsibility of every parent, every teacher. Have to show to kids (through own example) God’s character and helping to develop a godly character!
Have we been teaching this in the communist/postcommunist Hungarian schools? Did I teach this for 30 years?
Have we been teaching this in the broken families? Did I teach this in my own broken family?
This revelation was a shock for me. All my life was on a wrong foundation! My god was the knowledge. I have been studying all my life. I thought I will be more valuable person from the knowledge. This was in my heart instead of God!!!
I needed some days to treat this experience. But God helped me, healed my heart. I know He will restore me completely, He will restore my broken family, my broken relationships. I know Iwill be able to work successfully standing on this good foundation!

This week I visited a kids program in a realy poor village. The missionaries (come from some different countries) deal with these kids regularly every week. Games, drawing, worship, stories from the Bible            every week.

Once evening we organized a picnic to the lake beside the forest. After eating we worshiped God, played games, moreover we learned an african dance as well.

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