
On Fire for God - Lord, I'd like to serve you

Dear Friends,

I have been away 1,5 years from my country studying the Word and serving the Lord in many different ways in different countries.
During this time the life has changed a lot in Hungary.
When I arrived in last December I had to face the difficulties in my life: I needed regular income, a meaningful job, a new accommodation and the most important, I was looking for my ministry.
The situation was not easy but I always felt God's provision. The Father prepared the way before me I just had to trust in Him and wait for His timing.
After many problems and half a year my accommodation situation was solved (temporarily) It's still not a final solution but I saved time, almost a year.
Praise the Lord!!!

But finding a meaningful job was an impossible task. I did not find qualified job just black work for very low salary. I'm thankful that I was able to reject these opportunities and in every places reflect the character of God. I am not participate in these cheating, lying, although I really need money for the life, especially pay for the rent. But The Father always provided me through people and I could pay for my every expense.
Praise the Lord!!

Living an unemployed life I have lot of spare time. I use this time working as a volunteer in many different organizations. First of all in my church. My heart is full of thankfulness that I get chance to teach, preach in my church being the part of the church leadership team. I became also the local ministerial candidate in my congregation.
Praise the Lord!

                     The church leadership

Overview of the Sermon on the Mount

I worked together with the American team from Spring Arbor on our cellar project. With the Hungarian volunteers we worked 300 hours building a new room to our common place.
Praise the Lord!

                     With the American team


Cutting potatoes for the lunch

After this project we organized the first Set Free Movement Seminar in Hungary. Our guest speaker Rev.Kevin Austin the director of the Set Free Movement spoke about the human traffic and the modern slavery which is the 15 milliard $ business nowadays. There are more slaves in our world today than at any other time in history. Real slaves held by violence. Unable to walk away. Forced to do things they don't want to do. The slavery, the human traffic is not the problem, is the result of the problem. The real problem is the broken relationships, living without love. We as Christians have to end modern slavery, create new futures, be agent of hope and healing.

Unfortunately Hungary has the 3rd position of the human traffic in the Middle- Europe and we have not united yet our forces, the separated organizations. Many people who attended the seminar expressed a desire to continue and perhaps build on the connections that were made that day. I am coordinating our efforts to build these connections, and will be trying to connect with representatives from each organization personally.
Praise the Lord!

Meeting with Rev. Kevin Austin, and the leader of the House of Light (temporarily home for the abused mothers and their children), the agent of Salvation Army, and my pastor

In the beginning of June we had an other American team from Spring Arbor University. 
The students were interested in the cross cultural situation. 
I had a short presentation about Hungarian life during the communist time trying to explain them how we lived as non-Christians in the Soviet years. Why are we a very pessimistic nation, although we are incredible gifted, talented. Why is really difficult to work as a missionary in a post-communist country?

My heart desire is working on the Kingdom of Heaven, bringing revival to my country. Teaching the Word, making disciples, being salt and light, living according to the biblical principals, showing the character of God in every part of my life, reflecting the love of Christ to others.

"...to bring good news to the poor, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, opening of the prison to those who are bound..." (Isaiah 61:1)

I'm eager to evangelize, this is my gift from God.
I take part in every month on the National Breakfast Prayer. The Christian businessmen, church leaders, politicians, serving brothers praying together, thinking together.
In June took place the 4th National Evangelistic Day - The Lord is looking for fruits.

The final message of this day was "Our country developmental program has to be on the Christian foundation." (Imre Somody economist)

Praise the Lord for this great day!

I work as a volunteer with Jews for Jesus, which is a Messianic Jewish evangelical organization focusing on the conversion of the Jewish people to Christianity.
In this Summer they had their 4th great evangelistic campaign on the streets of Budapest.

90 missionaries from all around the world (including the 34 Hungarians) were permanently on the streets for 2 weeks from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm sharing the Gospel, giving many different hand outs: Who is that Man?

I  was also on the streets in different times, collected many interesting experiences. Many people were apathetic, tired, angry, didn't care about Good News. Some of them pretty dismissive even offensive but some were curious, opened just confused and some of them really thirsty for the Living Water.

Before outreach at the base: ready for bringing hope to the hopeless

This time was a tiring but encouraging one for me. Working in an awesome team with fantastic people for a great purpose was an incredible blessing for me. I was learning a lot theoretical and practical things at the same time.
It was also a joyful time for me getting to know interesting people, making new friends, spending memorable time together, having good conversations etc.
Each of us had an uniform T-shirt with writing: Jews for Jesus (...and friends)

Who is that Man? He was born in Israel 2000 years ago. He is living today as well and coming back soon.
People could read this writing (and many others) on the side of the trams, at the metro stations.

With my new friends: Michelle from Orlando and Brigitte from Switzerland

The team is full of passion before our first street evangelism (for me was the very first one, my friends are already trained missionaries)

The tired but blessed team after the street evangelism (in an other day and place)

My heart is overwhelmed by gratitude!
I could be the part of this great event!
I could be a worker in the harvest!
I could be a vessel of Hope!
I could be a servant of the Lord!

God called me to be missionary in my country, to be the part of the Hungarian revival!
I am eager to work for the Kingdom of God in Hungary!

Would you like to involve to my ministry?
How can you do that?

Would you be willing to represent me to your circle of friends, to your sphere of influence, to your home group or to your Bible study?
Would you pray for my financial situation?

If you feel led to come alongside me financially, here are some details about how to proceed:

Bank information

Send your tax-deductible contribution to:
Free Methodist World Missions -770 N.High School Rd - Indianapolis, IN 46214
Toll- Free - (800) 342-5531 Local - (317) 244-3660

Identify your contribution as being for the "Europe Area Education Network."
All funds that come into this account will be forwarded to Hungary for my support.

Or give online at: https://give.fmcusa.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=1328
Or on Paypal to ildikokober@gmail.com
Or I send you my bank account number in a personal letter if you need.

Every gift no matter how small or large adds up and helps a lot!

Thank you so much praying about and considering this request! 
I am trusting the Lord to supply my needs, and He has been so faithful at every point!


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