Just one year ago I came back from a foreign land being a missionary to be missionary in my country.
But for a while I couldn't find my place, the area where God wants me the most to serve Him and fulfill His will for me.
So 2015 was the year of being still before the Lord and waiting patiently for Him.
"Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him, and He will act." (Psalms 37:5)
I was eager to serve Him, did not cease to pray and ask Him to show me my place of the ministry. Where does He want to see me? What is His will for me?
My heart was overwhelmed by gratitude because of His guidance, provision, love, mercy, forgiveness, my desire was to hear His voice and follow His path.
While I was working as a volunteer at several different Christian events and serve Him in many different ways I constantly asked His response to my questions.
In my previous letter I reported my ministries in the first part of the year. From August I continued these volunteer works.
Serving the 2nd Global Leadership Summit in Budapest
Introduction of the mission of Jews for Jesus |
Helping the work of Jews for Jesus at the international, interdenominational evangelical event at the lake Balaton, called Balaton NET.
Organized by the Hungarian Evangelical Alliance this program is a gem of all Christians family programs in Hungary.
But this Summer brought changing to the life of Hungary, Europe and it designated my way.
Thousands and thousands of asylum seekers and immigrants entered Europe, Hungary.
The governments could not give right answer based on biblical foundation the problem, the Christianity is not strong enough neither in Hungary nor in Europe.
Walls are build on the borders and in the hearts, the level of hatred is increasing to the sky.
The largest group of refugees (more than 3000) are gathered at the main railway station in Budapest (in August)
Meanwhile more and more residents of the the poor, post communist countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Romania) try to seek better life in West European countries (United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland). Many of them especially the girls, women become victims of the human traffickers and sexual slaves.
Another form of human trafficking has developed parallel with the immigration-refugee wave - people smuggling, with promise of passage to Germany.
In one horrific case, 71 people died in a sealed, refrigerated meat truck while being transported from Budapest with hopes of finding asylum in Germany.
According to the 2014 Global Slavery Index (www.globalslaveryindex.org) countries in Central Europe and the Balkans are highly susceptible to human trafficking, both as countries of origin and as transit countries.
Hungary ranks 3rd in the estimated number living in modern slavery.
Trafficking in Persons Report - July 2015 (www.state.gov/j/tip/rls/tiprpt)
'Hungary is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking. Vulnerable groups include Hungarians in extreme poverty, Roma, and homeless men. Women and children, particularly Roma, are subject to sex trafficking within the country and abroad, mostly in the Netherlands and Switzerland. Hungarian women lured into sham marriages to third-country nationals within Europe and reportedly subjected to forced prostitution. Hungarian men and women are subjected to forced labor domestically and abroad.'(p.181.)
There are a number of non-governmental organizations working against human trafficking in Hungary, such as the Salvation Army, Baptist Aid, and the Anonymous Ways Foundation. Some work in rescue, others in rehabilitation, others in prevention, while still others attempt to influence public policy. No one organization is able to fully address the needs. The government of Hungary has begun to take steps in addressing this issue on a national level, but more work is needed.
In May my church organized a seminar with Rev.Kevin Austin, the director of the Set Free Movement. Many people who attended the seminar expressed a desire to continue and perhaps build on the connections that were made that day.
Since May I has served as the coordinator of the Hungarian Set Free Movement as a volunteer. My work has included building relationships with other like-minded organizations and hosting bi-weekly times of intercessory prayer for those who are the victims of human trafficking and for those who are working in the areas of prevention, rescue, and rehabilitation.
Since May I attended to different seminars, forums learning more about this topic, getting to know as many like-minded organizations, people as possible.
Even the Hungarian Ministry of Interior arranged a conference on the occasion of the 9th EU Anti-Trafficking Day. The purpose of the conference was to raise awareness on the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings.
In the break with the representatives of Salvation Army, Anthropolis Assosiation, Child Protection Services
The Baptist Aid organized a 3 days seminar - Trafficked and Exploited Minors between Vulnerability and Illegality.
God has guided me 4 years ago to the Free Methodist Church.
This church was founded on values that embrace the worth of all people.
This church is founded on holistic freedom principles and as God's people we live into the freedom Jesus has brought and seek to set others free physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
The Free Methodist Church gave me opportunity to teach/preach on Sunday mornings, although I am a women. But each of us were created by God with the same value and the church promotes equality of women in all places.
God's desire all people will be truly free |
Our responsibility to bring good news to the people. We went to evangelize to our neighborhood.
Jesus is the Good News and this good news is that God loves us and is working in our world to bring healing and hope. Works of justice are not a separate issue from this good news, but are an integral part of God's work.
Ending modern day slavery is not just about human trafficking - it is about all of the justice issues.
Our responsibility to create new futures, to give meaning and significance to every person by God's help.
In November was a great honor for me attending the Free Methodist Church Leaders Conference in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia.
The main topic of the conference was multiplying groups, making disciples, raising up national leaders, developing leaders. How we can be effective in the process of the community church planting? What kind of issues has to face the church recently?
I had opportunity to get to know the European church leaders and great missionaries working to end the human trafficking and recovering the victims, preventing the potential victims.
This year the Lord has opened door before me showing me the area of my ministry - being assistant pastor in my church and coordinator of the Hungarian Set Free Movement.
I am sure if we live out Jesus's mission statement, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will bring hope and healing to our lives, to our communities, to our countries.
I am trusting the Lord to continue providing for my needs.
Please, pray for me and ask the Lord to continue infusing me with His love, joy, peace, hope and grace, showing me the next step in my ministry.
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