
"This is the day that the Lord has made..."

April 1st.
April’s Fool Day?  Not for me!
“This is the day….” That started a new chapter in my life.
“This is the day…” That closed a ”22 year long” chapter of my life.
“This is the day that the Lord has made to rejoice and be glad in it” and proclaim His Glory.

April 1st, 2016
This day is just an other average spring day in Budapest: the Sun is bright, the grass is green, the flowers are pretty and people are happy.
This is the day that started a new chapter in my life.
I got employed! I have an official employment. I have a regular income from this day. This job is a real joy to me. This job is a meaningful job.
 “Oh, why is it such a big deal?” – Someone might say.

Let me tell you why:
My story started in May, 1994. We had a beautiful spring day just like today. I was going home from school where I was a teacher in a small village. I liked living there. Suddenly a question hit me hard:  “Is this my life for the rest of my coming years? Morning classes, afternoon preparations, house chores, raising my kids, day in, day out, and then the day comes when I’ll be buried in the local village cemetery ? Is that all? Is this my life all about?”
I had a very restless, bad inner feeling. I did not know Jesus at that time. I had everything though.  A nice house, nice kids, a hardworking husband and a regular job. Something was still missing. I did not know what it is that is still missing! I blamed myself for not being content with all that I had.

Out of this restlessness I started to switch from one school to the next in every two year. My colleagues were happy with my job, they loved and respected me yet I could not get rid of that bad feeling. I was desperately looking for meaning and purpose in my life, but it seemed to be in vain.
A very intense search started: Who am I? What am I supposed to do?  Am I a teacher, indeed? Where should I be?
I reached the age of 50 and I was still wrestling identity questions! That was very strange.
Meanwhile our children grew up and followed their calls, my husband left me for a vanishing love affair of a young girl, so I was left alone forced to change. I moved to Budapest.

The day came when the message hit me: “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted”.
At the darkest point of my life I started to seek God.
After an intense searching period of three years I accepted Jesus into my life as my Savior.
I lost my own family and I found my new family in the Lord.
The Church became my newly found family.

Slowly I started  to understand my new identity. I AM THE BELOVED CHILD OF GOD! 
I lost everything that, until that time, I had considered important, but found what I had been looking for for over twenty years - my identity! My old unrest was gone and with joy I began seeking for the work that God intended for me.

That search took four years. I could find only temporary jobs -giving home care, cleaning, ironing, caring for children. Everyone was happy with my work, but I took these jobs only because I needed the money and had no other alternative. I was sure that the Lord had other plans for me. I knew that He wanted to shape me through these difficulties, into the servant He wanted me to become, in His time.

During that time I volunteered in the Free Methodist Church Budapest and with other Christian foundations and organizations. Working as a volunteer for free is still a foreign concept in Hungary. I was viewed as a mad person by many. Working for free when I do not have any income! Unheard of! I was happy to serve The Kingdom of God and He took care of me.  He surely did.

I know in complete confidence that the Lord prepared a job for me where I could best serve Him.
I received a full time job on April 1st, 2016.
I became the coordinator of the Set Free Movement in Hungary and the leader for the Life Skills Program with the Free Methodist World Mission in Hungary called Bread of Life Foundation. I am happy to be the ministerial candidate for Free Methodist Church in Budapest, too.

Praise The Lord! He has shown His faithful love to me!

I am very thankful to all those people who has been supported me in prayer and gave donations to make possible for me to be a full-time servant of The Lord who showed me His call for my life.

He gave me this work and His blessings are upon it!

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